About you

Every word what I say - about you.
Every dream what I see – about you.
Every sound what I hear - about you.
And now it seems to me,
that I have fallen in love.
fallen in love with you.

Because your eyes,
Like are beautiful stars.
Because your smile,
Like the child have has
Because your words,
Just only for me
And every day,
Like a present to me!

Everyone speak to me – you not pair.
Everyone speak to me – you will cry.
But I do not listen to them,
I do not cry about,
I shall listen!
Listen my heart!

I know, that you where–that beside,
And I know, that you hear me.
Do not worry, necessarily we shall meet!
And when it will happen,
You already will not get anywhere from me!

I love that answer, “maybe” – the road to the success…

Let’s try, even though this one is more complex to fix since I cannot tune to your music. So, it’s up to you whether you wish to keep your lyric as is or would accept possible modifications:

Every word I say - about you.
Every dream I see - about you.
Every sound I hear - about you.
And now it seems to me
that I have fallen in love,
fallen in love with you.

Because your eyes,
Are like beautiful stars,
Because your smile,
Is like the child would have,
Because your words
Are just for me
And every day -
Like a present to me!

Everyone tells me – you’re not a pair.
Everyone says that you will cry.
But I do not listen to them,
I do not cry about,
I shall listen,
Listen my heart!

I know that you somewhere beside,
And I know that you hear me.
Do not worry, necessarily we shall meet!
And when it happens,
You then won’t not get anywhere from me!

Михаил Хитрик   06.07.2006 06:51     Заявить о нарушении
Созвучно немного твоему, Ledy Victory, моё “Только ты”:


Не задь глянуть позже на грядущее “Вчера” (will announce soon).

Михаил Хитрик   06.07.2006 07:00   Заявить о нарушении

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