My life Doorway

I am ready to change my life.
I would like to become a person,
Whose emotions are always right.
I had difficult feelings' lesson.
But I haven't got any mark yet.
I am taking my life exams now.
Am I able to pass them quiet?
I consider I'll do it somehow.
I can hope my mind will work
Very hard with expected results.
I will do my best not to break
Our dreams and will use the consults.

Good day, Мария!

It’s always good to change one’s life, especially when the person is ready!

Please correct the following:

“Whose emotions are always write.” - It shall be “Whose emotions are always right.” (unless your emotions are going to write your life story, in which case - “Whose emotions always write.”).

Not bad, Мария!

You could visit my page if you wish (I have some “stuff “ written in English, too).


Михаил Хитрик   05.05.2006 18:44     Заявить о нарушении
Good night, Michael! (may be day for you)

OK! I'll correct the mistake. Great thanks for your review.
Why have you described your poems in English as "stuff"? What do you mean by this?
I would like to add that - yes - it's wonderful if a person is ready to change one's life, but unfortunately my life was used to change suddenly, when I was not ready to accept these changes.
Sometimes my wishes and events coincide with each other. It happens when dreams are realized.


Маша Не Ваша   06.05.2006 00:35   Заявить о нарушении
Маша, actually, my name in English is Mikhail (no apology please – you did not know).

First of all, I put quotation marks around the word stuff meaning it was a joke, ну или ирония над самим собой, если позволишь (кстати, о иронии над самим собой please refer to my “Маленький Миша”). Аnd second, one of the meanings of this word is “material”, так что даже и без шуток, здесь, вроде, всё путём. Хотя, честно говоря, in American English “stuff” is considered in a lot of cases as vulgar, not tasteful word, or, at least, poor English if used not properly (for example, “give me this stuff”, or “all these stuff is garbage!” – все эти вещи - сплошной мусор!).

Ну пока,


Михаил Хитрик   06.05.2006 08:10   Заявить о нарушении
дрянь, хлам, чепуха
Так и подумала, шутник!
Обязательно почитаю про маленького Мишу.

Спасибо за подробные объяснения, Мишек! (понравилось мне это имя в конце одной из твоих заметок)(кстати, меня называют практически так же - Машик)

Маша Не Ваша   06.05.2006 16:02   Заявить о нарушении
А ещё Я – Мишкэс (Mishkes) и Мишо’к .

Михаил Хитрик   07.05.2006 05:43   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.