God s milk

 for Skitter

I look at my palm
To see something new
And little foul evil is jumping out

I look at your palm
Make sure that it`s you
I see no lines and I start to shout:

Oh....Oh....Lord, protect me!!
Oh....Oh....Lord, protect us!!

And I asked St.Peter to give me the key
To give us divine shelter when blood comes black
When darkness is empty, but she runs from me
When she doesn`t ponder on that there`s no way back

Oh....Oh....Saints, protect her!!
Oh....Oh....Saints, protect her!!

I`ve read the Old Testament, and New and some Psalms
To find advices, benefaction and warmth
But I just smell freshness of printing type
And nothing more, yes – nothing more

I knock at the door of cloister at night,
And then at the morning, and after twilight
I hammered my fist into cloister door
And nothing more, yes – nothing more

Oh....Oh.......Clergyman, protect me!!
Oh....Oh.......Clergyman, protect us!!

I`ve bought a cross
Cumbrous and heavy
I`ve got to pay
For delusive heaven

I`ve bought the scrap of paper
With words to remit
I trade bad for worse
God`s milk for God`s meat

Oh....Oh.....Man, protect me!!
Oh....Oh.....Man, protect us!!

I see no features upon your face
We have to run at a fast pace
From the God`s milk

This milk is laced with evil`s blood
And it vies for my head and for my heart
Under our feet.... there is only mud
My God uses my heart as a perfect butt
For His false milk.....mmmmmm
For His false milk
The milk I swallow the wrong way....

Just the time to pay for happiness we had
God and his angels curse our bread
And I`ve got no words to shout them out

Oh....Oh......no words!!
Oh....Oh......no words!!

Where shall we go
When our God is empty for Himself
What shall we do, or say,
Or pray for
When our God is mad

I am drunk with the God`s milk
Got to put my heart on the dusty shelf
Got to write a little assay
To sell it, to sell
And to tell, to tell
That I`ve lost my faith with my bread
My God is mad


My God is mad


Oh.....Oh.....I sink in God`s milk........

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