On a bank of Flowers by R. Burns
On a bank of Flowers in a summer day,
For summer lightly drest,
The youthful blooming Nelly lay
With love and sleep opprest;
When Willie, wand'ring thro' the wood,
Who for her favour oft had sued -
He gaz'd, he wish'd,
He fear'd, he blush'd,
And trembled where he stood.
Her closed eyes, like weapons sheath'd,
Were seal'd in soft repose;
Her lips, still as she fragrant breath'd,
It richer dyed the rose;
The springing lilies, sweetly prest,
Wild-wanton kiss'd her rival breast:
He gaz'd, he wish'd,
He fear'd, he blush'd,
His bosom ill at rest.
Her robes, light-waving in the breeze,
Her tender limbs embrace;
Her lovely form, her native ease,
All harmony and grace.
Tumultuous tides his pulses roll,
A faltering, ardent kiss he stole:
He gaz'd, he wish'd,
He fear'd, he blush'd,
And sigh'd his very soul.
As flies the partridge from the brake
On fear-inspired wings,
So Nelly starting, half-awake,
Away affrighted springs.
But Willie follow'd - as he should;
He overtook her in the wood;
He vow'd, he pray'd,
He found the maid Forgiving all, and good.
Standard English Translation
On a bank of Flowers in a summer day,
For summer lightly dressed,
The youthful blooming Nelly lay
With love and sleep oppressed;
When Willie, wandering through the wood,
Who for her favour often had sued -
He gazed, he wished,
He feared, he blushed,
And trembled where he stood.
Her closed eyes, like weapons sheathed,
Were sealed in soft repose;
Her lips, still as she fragrant breathed,
It richer dyed the rose;
The springing lilies, sweetly pressed,
Wild-wanton kissed her rival breast:
He gazed, he wished,
He feared, he blushed,
His bosom ill at rest.
Her robes, light-waving in the breeze,
Her tender limbs embrace;
Her lovely form, her native ease,
All harmony and grace.
Tumultuous tides his pulses roll,
A faltering, ardent kiss he stole:
He gazed, he wished,
He feared, he blushed,
And sighed his very soul.
As flies the partridge from the brake (thicket)
On fear-inspired wings,
So Nelly starting, half-awake,
Away affrighted springs.
But Willie followed - as he should;
He overtook her in the wood;
He vowed, he prayed,
He found the maid
Forgiving all, and good.
На поляне цветов в ясный день,
Летом солнечным щедро раздета,
К Нелли юной, поверженной в лень,
Сон любви заглянул в полдень лета;
Когда Вилли по лесу блуждал,
На взаимность с мечтой уповая, –
Он смотрел, он желал,
Он боялся, он ждал,
И краснел от смущенья сгорая.
Как оружие в ножнах своих,
Так ресницы у Нелли сомкнулись;
И мечтая во сне за двоих,
Её губы вдруг прираспахнулись;
К гибким лилиям нежно прижал,
И целуя ей грудь беззастенчиво:
Он смотрел, он желал,
Он боялся, он ждал,
И краснел, и смущался доверчиво.
Ветер платье её теребит,
И всё тело блаженно ласкает;
Ничего она не запретит,
Лишь ему все проказы прощает.
Его пульс учащённо дрожал,
Поцелуй он украдкой сорвал спеша:
Он смотрел, он желал,
Он боялся, он ждал,
И краснея, вздыхала его душа.
Словно птица, пугаясь всего,
Не пытаясь свой страх превозмочь,
Так и Нелли ещё до того,
Как проснулась – вспорхнула и – прочь!
И за ней следом Вилли пустился;
И в лесу её всё же нашёл;
Клялся он, он божился,
Что страстно влюбился,
Он прощён, поощрён - хорошо.
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