Ancient knew truth

Ancient knew truth. In the ancient legends it is discussed the fact that there is no America. There is an icy island - Iceland. Is an island green - Greenland. There are other two islands. This Canada and anti-Canada. There is also the small islet, on which live two essences. These are Saratoga and Miluoki.
The people they place into the quartz sand and sing witchcraft Lapp songs above them, and people think that their dreams become reality. Their voice - "Voice of America". Sometimes Saratoga and Miluoki quarrel. Sometimes they play, producing illusions. They are sometimes occupied by love in the mossy cave and in the scaffolding, enmeshed by cobweb. But cobweb that is woven from the milk of the goat Of esmiral'dy. I saw this on the television set.
There is no America, although the facts speak reverse, legends are more important than facts. America this is the illusion for the majority of people, which show on the television set I I belong to the majority. But it is necessary to consider the majority. P S We live well.
