Drifting Dreams

The shining stars above the mast
Awake my dreams and calm emotions.
The misty shadows of the past
Have come aboard the drifting ship.
The hot black night’s embraced the ocean,
While it’s away in deep long sleep.

The wind has gone, as though forever.
Perhaps, it’s blowing at your door.
Oh, how I hate this wet still weather,
When waters kiss the boards in leisure
And storms in chains can run no more!

We cannot sail without the wind,
Although my mind can’t stop its sailing.
I left my home and did begin
Forgetting you, but now it seems
I see your shadow that’s not fading
Away from me and from my dreams.

Nov 24, 2004

"The shining stars begin to blink,
I`m in my dreams so high aspire..."
Wake up, my sailor, or you`ll sink
Or set by chance the ship on fire!


Елена Васильева-Сол   25.10.2006 09:59     Заявить о нарушении
- Mayday! Mayday!
Do you hear us?!
We are sinking! We are sinking!
Do you hear us?!
- Hello! This is the German Coast Guard!
Yes, we hear you.
But, what are you thinking about?

Сергей Соколов   25.10.2006 11:55   Заявить о нарушении
Not about sailing, I guess...

Save our souls! Mayday! Mayday!
We lost the hope, we lost the way!
There`s fog and mist around the sea,
A ray of light we want to see!

Who will help?

Елена Васильева-Сол   25.10.2006 12:59   Заявить о нарушении