your logic

your logic killed us. “us” is dead.
the nights are sad and freezing.
how could you put a bitter end
to what just started breathing?

your logic gives me one by one
the answers I can’t take.
how could so much just turn to none
for mother of god’s sake?..

your logic’s joking and I laugh -
that’s all you left me with,
I’m playing cool, I’m playing tough
but dying underneath

your logic’s agonizing weight,
so kindly forgive me,
if I illogically hate
its every minute.

Dude, you're awesome! :))))))))))))))))

Матильда Ку   03.04.2006 09:38     Заявить о нарушении
u r making me blush (not really :)
I wanna say u r the cutest, but I think u r much more than just that! Thank u for the pleasure of welcoming u to my world!

Папая   04.04.2006 01:17   Заявить о нарушении
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