what is happiness

U asking me, what is happiness for me
Happy when the sun is shining,
Happy when the love’s around

Want to be with man I LOVE
Wanna him to be with me
Want to love and to be loved

I’m happy when U near
When U tell me that U LOVE
At seventh sky of happy
When U here, close to me.

See no sense to be alone
There’s no mean without U!

U tell me it is wrong,
To with another man
When there’s no love to him.
But I see no other way
How to live without U!

I want U to be my King
I want U to rule me.
U are the Sun that shine for me
U are the air that I breath

Tell me please what I must do
To arouse you’re Love to me?

Formerly I saw a stars,
They spoke to me.
They said together we got to be

And I belief U are the part of me
And I belief I’m the part of U.
And I belief together we will be
Some when, maybe not now
And I belief that some where
Deep inside Your heart
There is a real LOVE to me
U simply doesn’t see.
I LOVE as U are
I LOVE all things U do
I’ll LOVE U, what U’ll say
And doesn’t matter how much
But I’ll wait for U!
