What s going to happen?
It was so simple like an explanation of love that is not going to be found, it was like a whisper of wind in early morning.
She was learning a lesson how to start believe a man again. It was tough, she still remembers her former boy-friend, and she saw herself again in a wedding dress that was not destined to be worn... At least, she had a chance to try it on.
It was so beautiful! She almost forgets that she is beautiful in all meanings of the word. He had done everything he could make her to forget about it. He had done too much…
He was sick, he is sick in a certain way that’s why he really was unable to see very beautiful women in her; he was unable to see women in any other girl. It was so ironic.
But now… she is far away from him. Her destiny took her in 10 000 km from him.
And this was to the best! She always knew at. Everything that happens - happens to the best! No matter how bad it could look at the beginning, sooner or later we can see that the best possible choice that could happen has happened to us!
It was so hard to leave the United States! At least, she has got a respectable Master’s degree over there. She earned some money. But… only God knows the price she has paid for it… but she has not regrets!
If she had a chance to turn around her life and go back to the moment of graduating from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, she would do everything exactly the same way.
What’s going to happen now? Should she believe to that guy she talked around half year by ICQ? Should she make an official invitation to Russia for him?
Is he the one? The question was too scary to be answered.
She felt his tenderness even through ICQ or phone … she felt something she was looking for her entire life.
She had a very strange feeling that this time she is destined to become happy.
There was no explanation for that feeling, as well as there was no explanation for the miracle of love.
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