Minor lyrics

Swampy place,
Crawly face,
Wet and cold,
Words in bold.
Homeless heart
Falls apart.
Something's strange,
Can't arrange,
Can't forget,
Must regret.
No result
From insult.
Can't ignore
Love is fake.
Whose mistake?
Maybe, mine.
Am I fine?
No, I'm not.
Blood is hot.
Sweaty hand
Feels the end...
Time to die.
Should I cry?

It's not the end just a beginning.......
Don't be so sad ;-))))))))))

Кертис Эйлес   06.01.2006 19:51     Заявить о нарушении
It's my last act.
I'm sick. It's fact.
It's not too bad
To be so sad.

Нелли Смит   06.01.2006 20:27   Заявить о нарушении
Take some actions in this case ;-)))))

Кертис Эйлес   07.01.2006 13:58   Заявить о нарушении