In the Nets of the Web

Борис Рубежов

 (Some letters sent to a friend
who had invited to visit him.
Spelling of some words is modified
like it is in Lymerics -
Ref: "Topsy-turvy world."

Having read your E-mailable* letter
I'm quite happy you've changed for the better,
Such a resolute change
Is exceeding my range.
Yours...awaiting the following letter.
*the word of the friend was "available" etc.

Your E-letter is quite optimistic
Which I might have perceived as sadistic,
But, for good or for bad:
Are you DISTIC or SAD?
Quick reply if you aren't apt to mystic!

(And I pray, do not be jesuistic!)

Your seduc-ible letter by E-mail
Is as hot as if I were a female,
It's a serious miss
For I iss what I iss
Let us come to this E-mail agreemale!

Your seduc-ible letter by E-mail
Is as hot as if I were a female,
It's a serious miss,
I'm a mister, not miss,
All my parts are effectively seemale.

Your seduc-ible letter by E-mail
Is as hot as if I were a female,
And you'd better not fail:
I'm exclusively male,
Even more: I adore all the female!

Your last letter was is-raelistic,
Which is more: it was quite realistic,
And if you do not mind,
Wright* me more of the kind
Though your progress makes me atavistic.
* See: preface.

