
candle light flickers
the smell of incense fills the air
music plays in the background, low, soothing, romantic
steam rises from the bath tub
bubbles glisten a soft amber
oils make the water soft, silky
glide into the water slowly
feel the heat touch my skin
lay back, relax
my hands begin to explore
starting at my neck, softly touching
feeling my pulse race
working their way down , slowly
nipples harden, stomach tightens
giving me chills, breathing quickens
my hips rise, waiting, wanting to be touched
soft, slippery thighs, sweat on my face dripps down my chin,
the back of my neck
now finally hotter, wetter
trying to be quiet,
needing a release
faster, deeper, fingers move
hips move in time with the motion
sweat pours
liquid release
legs convulse
don't stop
lick my lips, taste the salt
lay back, relax


Потрясена откровенностью! Я бы не решилась так написать.. правда. Но..
Такое близкое мне стихотворение:)
я в ванную!

Я-Твоё-Дыхание   27.10.2006 14:30     Заявить о нарушении
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