долгая дорога домой англ. версия

I was afraid of getting closer
 I couldn't dare raise my eyes
Grey-colored silence we have chosen
 And happy moment gone for us.

Heart's getting colder, asks for nothing
Your palms are closed like dream at night
Time sunk and then forgot the last thing
It left the voice from emptiness behind.

The voice of everything which's left and lost
Your hand is choking it to calm your throat
The worlds are very unnecessary
The wind is the light
The fingers're white

The heart itself again is crashed to ground
The bell is ringing- it's Despair's sound

It sings about the peace which's to be lost
The chaps are running making shadows on the walls

The only freedom is to exist
It's not just only thought
Let it in to your heart at least
It will find the way to your soul...
