Francois Villon s Prayer пер. с Б. Окуджавы

While the Earth is still spinning
While the light is still bright
Lord, please give each and every one
The thing he’s deserved most right
Give some more brain to the wise one
Give the coward a steed
Give the happy one money
And keep something for me

While the Earth is still spinning
Lord, through Your blessing it’s sent
Let man who is striving for power
Rule to his hart’s content
Grant a respite to the lavish one
At least till the hard day flees
Allow Cain repentance
And keep something for me

I know You can doing all of it
I trust in Your wisdom, Lord
Like a drowned sailor believes
Elysium is his port
Like every our ear listens
Your quiet and tender tone
Like us who keep faith of ours
Knowing not what we do at all

Good Lord, my Heavenly Father,
My Green-eyed, Your hair hoar
While the Earth is still spinning
And this makes it wonder still more
While time and fire last out
My prayer is sincere and meek
Give everyone little by little
And keep something for me
Give everyone little by little
And keep something for me
