За ягодный, не утлый Набережный Челн
(Вопрос из стандартной анкеты на одном из сайтов виртуальных знакомств)
...Всех девиц называли по имени,
Конституцию – только по отчеству,
А меня, по комплекции тучную,
Обещали иметь, и при случае
До дрысни накормить апельсинами.
ВОТ ТАКИЕ тенденции в обществе!
Кто спьяну куролесил на Сочельник,
Тот знает цену ягодному челну.
Но вот другой, который не вкусил, –
Всё схоронялся, и в конце сбежал,
Под шелковистый ягодичный челн
Залёг - и спрятался. И притаился, рыбкой...
А соли с перцем столько на лобке,
Что и не выдергать, горохом не просыпать!
За этот челн его не ухватить!
Такими он витьями перевит,
Что можно змей им ворошить в Змиёве,
И барсуков пугать в Караганде.
Свидетельство о публикации №105081400297
Oh my giddy aunt, you are telling me! It’s SHOCKING!
HOW COULD I come to write something like THAT?!! (an expression of raw indignation)
I ought to disclose the secret: it is an experiment. I want to see if the number of the views of this particular text will go up with the title like that. Now, now we shall see…
IS THIS A LITERATURE? Certainly not, this is an experiment.
For a long while I had a suspicion that the popularity of poems belonging to the hand of certain authors on this portal is somewhat linked with their particular properties, i.e. being provocative and containing sexual innuendos or perceived sexual context, most specifically in their titles, and not with their prowess, profoundness and other inherent merits (whatever those might be). I thought that I shall try and test this out!
My hope is that I will not lose my devoted and adorable audience by attempting to do something so childish, naughty and immature. Here’s another proof for you (as if you needed one) that toying with psychedelic articles can inflict certain damage to the person's interior aesthetics, perhaps in time. So, if you happen to be a part of more serious audience, not predisposed to test mad assumptions and views, please gracefully disregard my frolics, they will not be repeated again.
Чорный Георг 26.10.2018 14:18 Заявить о нарушении
“Хотели бы вы увеличить размер своего члена?” (Вопрос из стандартной проформы для анкеты на одном из сайтов виртуальных знакомств)- I know where!:-))))
But about you "have absolutely nothing to do with the literature or poetry" you coquet:-))). It's not true and I'm sure you know it!:-)))
Yours A.
Тигра Первая 24.09.2005 00:09 Заявить о нарушении
I do appreciate your appearance in here (most people would happily prefer to avoid the doubtful honour of writing in here :))
I consider the experiment quite useful albeit very far from being a success. As you can see, the number of visitors is higher than that for the other poems, but not nearly as high as I anticipated... As they say (in Russian proverb, or was it really the Russian one?) "life-long live, life-long learn"...
I did explain to you what is the critical feature for the attracting visitors on this site, didn't I? Sad but true. Have to live with it, I suppose! :)))
But despair not, after all, cannot we care less!
Kind regards,
Yours G.
Чорный Георг 24.09.2005 02:52 Заявить о нарушении