A dream

Once I had a dream
Then I woke with a scream
Cause I saw that you
That you had left me

Left and gone away
I couldn’t make you stay
You’d just gone away
Without a care

Be with you is the
Only way for me
Only way to be
Feel good and safe

And if it will be real
Realize I will
I will never heal
My bleeding wounds
 made by your leaving...

HI, really nice, bleeeding heart and so on
by the way I wonder if you write it with a melody in your mind or without

Кертис Эйлес   02.08.2005 10:02     Заявить о нарушении
that's cool! :))

Кертис Эйлес   03.08.2005 18:01   Заявить о нарушении