To my Dear Husband

Once upon a misty morning when the soggy sky was pouring
All its wetness o'er the garden that I happen to adore -
Suddenly I heard a racket so I grabbed my leather jacket
And I headed downstairs to see what's outside the door -
"Must be some delinquent Eric* knocking on my entrance door",
I was pissed, no less, no more.
There, followed by the neighbours, looking like a fainting pale rose
There sat a Krokodil'chik** from the ancient days of lore -
And although his head was drooping and his tail was barely swooping
He still looked as brave and mighty as I've heard of him before -
Even mightier than dragons that I've seen in books before -
A bit tired, that's for sure.
Now the stars are in full glitter and the popcorn smells so bitter
And my Krokodil is fighting on a Qeiynos*** sandy shore
I'm drawing little doodles on genetics of black poodles,
And my sinister dark shadow moves around the squeaky floor-
Plotting a surprise so sinful right 'ere on the squeaky floor -
Do you know who it's for?

*Eric - our mental neighbour
**Krokodil'chik - my husband's nickname
***Qeiynos sandy shore - referring to a computer game, Everquest II
