Мы рассекаем друг друга мгновенно...

Мы рассекаем друг друга мгновенно
Нас миллионы и нам поколено
Мы курим при встрече
При встрече жмем руки
Мы сушим тела, чтобы были упруги
Мы только штанами метем по асфальту
Нам юбки измена, а платье как спальник
(Диана Арбенина (?), Ночные Снайперы)

We're able to discern
In a moment
A millions of us, and nobody care of it
We smoke when we meet,
Firm handshakes and dry bodies,
Elastic, and dressed in jeans. Skirt is treason.
A dress - sleeping bag.

I'm listening to Thom York
As he signs about the most street spirit.
I ride the motorbike,
Cutting through the Petersburg's rain.
And if you become grown-up
And not so slender as now
My love will remain as strong,
Like it is our's very first summer.

We lie to our mothers
We don't know our fathers
We wear rings on a thumbs,
A tattoos on naked forearms.
Handshake will reveal strength of our palms.
We kiss thin black lips.
What's about tolerance?

Our blows are hasty,
Calm and accurate, tender,
Like only girls can - strong, as all of our gender.

We like nuts
We are just like squirrels with tails
We hopping, nighclubbing,
There's one simple scheme:
A beer, a dance,
And then drinks become stronger
And what to be done -
And the following follows
Dark cinema hall, or back seat, or a toilet
Or other place - now we don't care of it.
Don't care of ??*thing
Because we are crew.
Nobody can force us -
Can not force us to.
