Can you save me from myself?

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I don’t know what you are looking around,
I don’t know what you are crying about.
Something will come, is it just a new day?
I am afraid it will cause a new sorrow
You are coming from far away,
Can you save me from a trouble
That’s waiting for me tomorrow?
I hear your voice on the phone,
I’ve learnt from you the science of life
I’ve used to be being alone,
I’ve used to be trying to survive.
The darkness in the clouds of tomorrow
Tells me about the problems will come.
You fell strong enough to fight my new sorrow
And the trouble that just had begun.
You always knew better the way
I should live my life.
You always saw better the day
I’ll become your wife.
But that day will exist in your mind only.
You can save me from loosing money,
You will care about my health,
But stop doing that! It’s too funny!
Well, you cannot save me from myself.
