
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

Sigismund – victory of the mouth
Sigiswald – victory of the wood

Pigment – meant for pigs

Uglevody – ugly waters

Placate – плакать -- плакат

Occident – dent de l’ox – land of oxes – land of accidents

Anti-occidents (vitamin E) – opponent of the Occident

Harpist – harpie

Hagiography – the study of hags

Ataxia – no taxes
Afaxia – no faxes (or fucking)

Marital (martial) arts

Gender vendor

Phraeseology – the study of strawberries (fraises) 

Funeste – finest – few nest

A Dutch woman – a duchesse
A female accountant – a countesse

Water Melonowski - Walter Malinowski

Sante - sans the

Journal des Ebats (des Debats)   

American English is a langue d’OK

Kenyon/Canyon/Kenian Review

Rat rappe – rattrape
