
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

Inuit – Intuit – I knew it

Silhouette – little selo

Bed time – bad time -- bet time

Telovizor – x-ray machine

Separate sheep from goats, ships from boats

Overindulgence in bacon – baconalia

La croissance economique – economizing on croissants

Dyralection of beauty (dereliction of duty)

More cash – cashmore – cauchmare

Pourriture – to purr

Critters – the publishers of The New Criterion

Delivered – without liver in the delivery room

New Age – nuage   

Lookemia – lookocites – fagocites

Ia ubiralasq – uber alles

Oncology – the study of oncles
Anthology – the study of aunts

Memelians – mammals from Memel

Чудный – chutney

Киска, tu faits? 
Qu’est ce que tu fait? 

Gay zadisty/sadisty (from “зад”)
