Stupid Little Verses

In the long run (Круговорот воды в природе)

Making happy bubbling sounds
Water runs into the ground -
What has been a pouring rain
Is heading now for the drain...

* * *

The Importance of Being on Time

Everyone is really pleased
When an imminent release
By the Grace of Lord sometimes
Coincides with striking chimes...

* * *

What a Waste

Of the years gone to waste,
Minute is the aftertaste...

* * *

And the Heaven Cried...

"Welcome to the Fairy Tale!" -
Heaven rings another sale.
And the Poor Bastard sobs
Shedding heavy teardrops...

* * *

Jailbird Sings

Famous singer Michael Jackson
Has to learn a simple lesson:
Molestation, for one thing,
Is to make a jailbird sing...

* * *

Been Caught Lying

Convict Martha Stewart
Says she has been cured.
Lying is the reason
Martha went to prison...

* * *

Quiet Riot

This is quite a riot:
Off a fat-free diet
Fighting faggot demons
Goes Richard Simmons...

* * *

Great Escape

Things are rather helter-skelter
In a local monkey shelter:
"I’m fed up from A to Z!"
Has decided chimpanzee...

The decisive ape
Made a great escape!

* * *

Real Estate News

Let us phase a brave new face:
The Almighty Building Boom
Shoving tiny shameful rooms –
Spaces snatched away from space...

...And conclusion now follows
That consumer market swallows
What consumer market sells -
Individual, but cells.

* * *

In the Local Supermarket

Stuff goes stale,
When not on sale.

* * *

Love at First Shot

True love in essence
Is like a photofilm:
Some chemistry is needed to develop,
But little time...

* * *

Fooled Again?

I have known, of course, all along
That you weren't a natural blonde:
You have stabbed me with love through my heart...

Now, who is a fool and who's smart?

* * *

To Get a Grip

Alcohol has lost its grip.

And it feels like for a sip
I could kill...

* * *

What a Drain

A bottle of vodka
Drained down my veins:

We are both empty now.

* * *

Pizza Logic Delivery

You will get much hotter pie
If you order nearby.

* * *


Of the blessings heaven-sent,
All others having had and lost,
If not the ultimate descent,
What there's left to value most?

* * *

In Bed With the Spirits And Doing Fine

Being sick of being so fucking bored,
I have been drifting through the words -
By-products of half-decent wines
And other spirits - half-divine.

* * *

Lucky You!

My friend, you've never laid your eyes
Upon my stupid lazy rhymes:


* * *

This Is It


You made it big, boy!

* * *


Alien is the world...
I wonder,
What inhabitants are like
On other planets?

* * *

Swine Story

The dirty mammal that I am,
I like my bacon and my ham.

* * *

Swine Story Too

"I'll be fine",
Thought the swine.

* * *

Thirty Something

No longer a curious
Little girl,
Alice is falling
Into her fourth decade...

What a bottomless pit!

* * *

Free As A Tree

The mighty oak
Went up in smoke.

* * *


What's there to lose
If all of this ends
In old man's shoes
And in old man's pants?

* * *

But The Question Remains

What's that cement tree
On the cemetery?

* * *

The Funeral March

Head to head and toes to toes,
There goes human growth.

Head to head and toes to toes,
Grow nails and hair grows.

Head to head and toes to toes,
Grow trees in solemn rows.

Head to head and toes to toes,
It’s death that comes and life that goes.

* * *

The Last Temptation of Christ

The dead will lie within a reason:
That is why he's never risen.

* * *

P. S. I Loved You

Among the few
Who have enjoyed you,

Yours truly.

Андрей, Вы великий японский поэт!!!! :) про drain просто фантастично!!!!! С таким удовольствием не помню чтобы еще что-то на этом сайте читала, спасибо!

Екатерина С   03.03.2009 23:31     Заявить о нарушении
Ну, не знаю насчёт "великий"... и "японский"... и "поэт"... :)

Но всё-равно приятно! Большое спасибо! Рад, что Вам так понравилось!

Андрей Юсин   04.03.2009 00:13   Заявить о нарушении
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