Lost Paradise Кавер на Арию


From beginning till end
Sky is burning like Hell,
And there disappear
All the hopes and dreams you have.

But you are now sleeping,
And angel comes down and singing,
Brush down your tears,
And you laughing in the dream

Sly demon can worry
Your beautiful dream without sorry
Breath, of those who sleeping,
He can easily steal away.

You shouldn’t be feared -
My soul will be always near,
Protecting your being
Till the sun will shine again.

I’ll lay my palms bare
Let worst nightmare be pour there
Fill them with a pain
And with fear of lonely night
And you‘ll never know
How Heaves can feel a sorrow
And how life ruins all the hopes and dream you have… 

Fall down asleep,
On my hands fall down to sleep.
Fall down asleep under noise of the rain outside…
Far away, where the end of Heavens exist,
You will find The Lost Paradise… 

Выдержка из моего варианта: Try to sleep,
In my arms you are trying to sleep,
Fall asleep, listening song of the Rain...
Far away, where the End of the Skies and Begining,
You will find Paradise, from you came...

Кейсигрейс   19.03.2005 21:47     Заявить о нарушении
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Стигмат   20.03.2005 02:40   Заявить о нарушении