I wish I wasnt...

I wish I wasn't,
but I am
and all the words that were unsaid
will not be spoken.

I wish I was,
but I am not
and all the willingness and brightness
are not enough to be.

I wish I did,
but I did not,
and when I didn't wish, I did
what wasn't meant to live.

so be it.

(s) Anita*

As a young and facinating lady that you certainly are you sure may ignore logic and do what you fancy at the moment. However, as an author you may not. Or do you want us to judge your creations using the values overshadowed and dictated by your personal charm? OK! But do not pretend then on the laurels of a Poet,I mean a real one, whose texts readers normally percept without paying much attention to any such irrelevant factors as the author's gender, his or her age, personal beauty, etc. Tyutchev was a diplomat, and a good one at that, but it does not add much to or distract from our judgement of him as a Russian Poet...

Oh, I am sorry, I have just re-read my writing, and now I am feeling very much ashamed of it! I realize that I am such a bore! Do not listen to me and do whatever your charming left heel would like you to! Much success! You sure can count me among your admirers!

Андрей Кшенский   18.03.2005 04:56     Заявить о нарушении
он просто прелесть, хотя и зануда
кажется он в Вас влюблен
и ему просто необходимо немного Вашего внимания ;-)

Соломон Ст Рудик   21.03.2005 08:57   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.