To AMuseIna

Another day, another sleepless night...
My Muse is far beyond my comprehension.
Unworthy verse creates this Gallant Knight
Securely well-apart from thine attention...
End of the dream - a hopeless childish dream?
It still may 'come a tale of fairy meaning,
Not yet... bit later... softly intervening
And leading to a hope this voiceless scream...

Another dream within a sleepless night? -
Zingy new dawn… and Sun is rising bright!

AZ 03.03.05

It's great! So profound and lyrical. Thanks for wakening best feelings. New masterpieces to you.

Елена Малиевская Обухова   14.07.2006 17:33     Заявить о нарушении
Er... Hello again, Helen!

You think, it is? Well, thank you.

Although, being, maybe, too impudent... I would learn your opinion on "Infatuation" - one of latest. And, please be frank, if you would at all.


Александр Здориков   14.07.2006 17:49   Заявить о нарушении
Ifatuatian is blind.
And It's the product of sound mind.

If I like something I say about it sincerely.

Елена Малиевская Обухова   14.07.2006 18:03   Заявить о нарушении
Good for you, Helen!

You seem to see the gist, and you can put it all together in one word. Amazing talent, isn't it?

See you.


Александр Здориков   17.07.2006 09:36   Заявить о нарушении
Thank you. You are a human both talanted and having special sensory nerve . It's very pleasant to deal with such people. Happy to get acquainted with you. Come again. I'm looking forward to your new visit.

Елена Малиевская Обухова   17.07.2006 23:58   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.