И вот меня перевели...

I’m the king of weak black night!
You are the queen of a white dress!
In a medley of notes I’m a sharp, you’re a flat
We are a difference of a single whole...
In a violin part there is no the anguish
Long time ago I has brushed off my pain,
But the sky is straining to the broken falsetto:
 "Foretell her for me, just foretell! "
I turn out the white night moon neck and crop
Just to please limping clock-face.
Already clouds in a mincing machine of days
On a forage for the tamed hopeless parting

For me - it is heavier to live in love,
But soon asphalt will dry out,
On bike and... Here under my feet
The road to nowhere lays.
You will hear:  surprised tired town will sigh.
 A roar of my heart will fill the streets.
Thawed Gulf of Finland will swell...
I still remember your breath... I remember...
Мартин Фэроу 21.01.05

оригинал здесь http://stihi.ru/2003/03/24-132

С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ, Рыцарь Печального Образа!...:-) Улыбнитесь...Жизнь всё же прекрасна!...


Это мой дебют в ВИДЕО...

Лариса Горбачук   31.12.2007 22:38     Заявить о нарушении
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