
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

Chilly week – человек

Пенал (pen holder) – penal as in penal colony or as adjective to “penis”

La vie en woes (rose)

Opus dei – a daily thing

Летопись – l’еtеpiss – summer sprinklers

Huguenots – hug nots

Gioconda – jockonda – female jock

Joe Casta – Iocasta

Endowed – Ann Dowd

Emigre – Emma Gray

Racists – race track aficionados

Rabbits gamble (gambol)

Roomatism – rheumatism – a disease you catch from roommates

Pincio – the hill in Rome where they pinch behinds

Candidate – candied date

Disarmament – hacking off arms; a campaign against poverty

Fitting Fet’s fat feet was a feat! 

No nose knows no woes. 

Malaria – excessive listening to Mahler
Mal’aria – bad singing

Melon colly (melancholy)
A truffle dog
