
Behind the seven seas,
Under the seven hells.
There are the hidden keys
From your heart cells.

The sign of the cross
Will show me the way.
Shall I go to the north?
Or shall I listen and stay?

Moonlight shadow’s my friend,
And we are together again.
But she won’t cover the pain,
That I feel without you every day.

I see the huge black wall,
And behind there’s your soul.
Are you as black as it, who knows?
I have to find the answer, I hope…

Sometime before you loved me,
Now everything has changed.
Your feelings are stolen by the night.
But now I love you! Everything’s so

Kisses and words, what for?
I need it, I need even more!

I filled my life with tears,
I don't know what to do.
I have the strongest fear –
I'll never come back to you…
