and like wind from the sea smells her favourite soap.
Rows of dresses and shoes bring me waves of her dreams
with the dazzling perfume, silky scarfs float - long limbs.
Touch of glitter so bright on the velvet blue hat…
On the top corner shelf my grandmother’s bedspread
stitched from thousand parts by grandma - her bequest
Linen blouses rows - icy-white - starched and pressed.
In a crammed leather bag with a belt packed her notes.
The exotic silk fan… All bring happy snapshots
of my memories back. All her stories of life
now, as time skipped and gone, her steel will to survive…
Young grandma – coral lips and grey eyes proud glance,
all her dresses and shoes now are ready to dance…
Old records, on the top of her desk, gather dust;
a granddaughter I lack to pass stories in trust.
Свидетельство о публикации №105013100501
Jena Woodhouse 04.02.2005 06:59 Заявить о нарушении
I have done some revisions, so hopefully it is better now. Thank you for your attention.
Thank you for your letter. I am writing a full reply
А Н Е Л 06.02.2005 13:59 Заявить о нарушении