
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

Pre-sale – pre-sold, pre-salted

Site-geist – spirit of the place (analogous to zeitgeist)

O tempura!  Or mores! 

Virtuosity – a pursuit of virtue
Virtuoso – a man of virtue

Decline of the South-south-east

Avez-vous du the (doute; English!)?  Non, j’etais toujours croyant. 

St. Emilien (wine) – St. Emailien

Nome – metronome

Cut-off-sky – Koтовский

Oculist – a specialist in sharks

Blisskrieg – blitzkrieg

Meercat – mere cat, market

Bald is beautiful – chauvinism

Read – рыдать – ridere

Смутить – smutty

Abbondanza – buying bonds

Vegetables – vegetable notables

Annales school – anal, from the bottom up

Colin Powel – еminence noire

Les parents terribles

Men’s wear – men swear
