Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)
Attila and his horde of worriers (warriors)
Evitez Evita
Serfing – крепостное право
Microbes – Irish robes
Saucery – sauces as witchcraft
Ferdinand de Saussures – ancestors good with sauces (sauces sures)
Mental (menthol) pills
Bad hair day – hair pollution
Hair today – gone tomorrow
Jam and cash (Jammu and Kashmir)
Poop d’еtat
Sartrial (sartorial) elegance
Porn (corn)-fed American
Jew dough – Judo
The chief primate of Rwanda – baboon guerrilla
To decline (declension) is easy, just say “no”
Horses are neigh-sayers
Mme de Pompidour
Botulism = alcoholism
Iraqi (Rocky) Mountains;
Iraqi (Rocky) Stallone
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