I miss you

………………………………………….. AL: "I miss you (кажется так это пишется на том языке:))…"
the letters..

…and when I miss you
it seems like the sunlight disappears,
and the pin-needle-heads of those stars
which follow the night wanderer
are missing by the millions
in the dark ink sky of my soul…
the waterfall of my heart
has been sucked dry and
is left thirsty, stony and meagre…
the wind of my body
hasn't leaves nor petals
to carry off in a whirling waltz of colour;
it finds neither grass nor ocean waves
for its playful caress;
my dreams, the night riders of my mind
are left with no intuition,
they follow not the rhythm of His music,
nor look for the flow of the inner sight...
that's how it is when I miss you...


But when I see you the sunlight appears again and the music of sky appears too ))) But I miss you...

Наталья Коткина   16.12.2005 10:49     Заявить о нарушении
:o) классно, Натaша :о) привет :о)

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ :o)
Любви тебе
Таша :о)

Наташа Маршева   17.12.2005 10:37   Заявить о нарушении
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