
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

push Bush in the touche

Gore was a bore

The Dutch are such that I can’t say much

Pubertе, еgalitе, fraternitе

Adobny (from Adoba) – bespodobnyi

Apology – study of apples

Booroisie – bourgeoisie sans manners

Anaconda – ona condo


De-salonization – desalinization

Corsage – etre en Corse
Sois sage – porte un corsage

Vermont – pheromone – Greenberg

Flanders mauled (malled) by Spain (Moll Flanders)

Rude Lubbers and Polite Seamen

Raymond – remont

Raspberry in blue – about gays

Zavtrakal – a new drug

Солонка – посольство

Gore -- горе

Bradley – vriadli

