Feel used

Was I just a girl he slept with?
Was I just a girl he used?
You know, when I think about it,
It makes me so confused...

Have you ever had the feeling
That a person who you love
Doesn't need you there to help him
And that person is a scrub?

I don't wanna think about it
'Cause it makes me really sad.
And I'd better think that I am
The best he's ever had.

Sometimes he acts really naughty
And says he'd better leave.
But how can he reject my feelings
And all that I can give?

My mind says he's a player,
That this is no OK.
But my heart is still in love
And it says: "Don't go away".

Парень видно был игрок,
Он трепал мне нервы.
Положу ему венок
На могилку первой.

Вот как звучит это стихотворение по-русски.

Александр Невзоров   06.04.2005 21:01     Заявить о нарушении
Александр, да Вы просто шутник! )) У меня есть ещё стихотворение Scrub на эту тему - оно по-русски! А четверостишие надо запомнить! ))

July   07.04.2005 13:03   Заявить о нарушении