Let somebody seek
On the edge of this Earth
The final bright gleam
Of the purple-set Sun -
But I'd rather see
Sailing swift to us forth,
From my cosmic brother -
Some clippers - not one!
Long since I dreamed
Of this as a child -
To meet with their envoy
Sent here out of Space,
From the Cosmos, where homes
Go a-circling wild.
A wonder unseen
In a far-distant place!
But not like our globe -
Not a sphere, but a square,
Which our starry kin
Have built long ago!..
That day will yet come -
No doubts have I there.
The Earth-men still wait,
Hold their breath, gasping so.
It's even possible,
Just in this hour,
Our guests draw near -
Are thinking of us...
Now above our Earth
UFO objects tower -
So that they land soft
And fear nothing thus.
All has gone well!
Note well!You must!
September 15th 2000.
Translated vfrom Russian
by Walter May
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