
Pride - unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem
(personified as one of the mortal sins)

A proud man is one who heeds no other,
He listens only to himself, thinks he’s the best,
Be it his friend, his sister or his brother…
A pitch black and dead cold heart is inside his chest.

He sees himself a wonderful creation,
His every move, his every glance is like a gift.
He drives all those around to frustration,
In his relations every time he makes a rift.

And yet he feels he’s rising to the clouds,
He is an angel to himself, to others – not.
About others he expresses doubts,
And as to doubting himself – never a thought.

He doesn’t know that very soon he’ll falter,
That pride of his will in the end sweep him aside.
It is a deadly sin, should he not alter…
Be careful, should ever you start feeling pride.
