Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)
Worried wives of Windsor
Lickers – liqueurs
Den Siao Pnin – a Chinese character in Nabokov
Semi-Cohen (colon)
Proofreader who uses unusual symbols is an unorthodox Marxist
Walter Benjamin has been jamming
Resigned – resined -- resinned – разиня
Babbling Babylon
Лисёнок – лысёнок (uchenik Lysenko) – Balducci
Oncology – the study of uncles
Sir – сыр
Pferdinand – king of horses
Don (donnish) - from “donna”
Viet minh – vitamin
Defile – take out of a file
Tvoiakovskiy – Mояковский
If it Hertz (hurts) to travel, try Avis
Je suis baisе - I am busy
Whorer (horror) – а souteneur
Three musketeers – rub a musketeer
Mоusketeer – dealer in mise
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