
White crispy flakes are falling from the sky.
These flakes are snow and in the wind they fly.
The clouds’ children, spinning in a dance.
Although it’s warm, they choose to take their chance.

Born of the sky, the heirs of heaven’s tears,
They gather strength in cold as winter nears.
They glide to land, majestically fall,
Forming a crystal white and shining wall.

A soft white blanket of these flakes is made,
The land it covers, just as heavens bade,
There it awaits, until the time of spring,
And it will die when birds come back to sing…

Simple but at the same time picturesque and rich. It is hard to describe something like snow. Mostly what one sees is words like "white" and "cold". Whereas you not only succeed in a rich and unusual description but give live to snow.

"Born of the sky, the heirs of heaven’s tears" - beautiful line

Very well done indeed!

Yours truly,

Гладиатор   16.12.2004 14:54     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you very much =)
When one likes something, one finds lots of beautiful words to describe it, isn't it so?
That line you pointed out - that's probably the best line in the poem. I thought it sounded kinda nice =)

Шуйский   16.12.2004 16:25   Заявить о нарушении
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