
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

After the wake we go to a bar with live music

Phony – someone with a cell phone

Bestiality – striving to be the best

Historians’ fallacies (phalluses)

Vampirio-kriticism (imperio-)

Hedda Gobbler – the tragedy of Norwegian Thanksgiving or
Hedda Cobbler -- the tragedy of a Norwegian Shoemaker

Inhouse review/outhouse review

Walter Gropius (Grope-ass)

Sophistry – soapistry – soupistry – opra

Insolent (insulin) dependent

I don’t want god to say, “Joan, you blew it.” 

Epater – to throw pate at someone


Копаться  детском дерьме начинающих поэтов

Mраксизм -- маркобесие 

Ищи щи и овощи

Jewish fathers play kvetch (catch) with their sons

Estoned – assimilated to Estonians/druggie

Парус – по-русски

Goutte d’eau – waiting for Godot

Hordes of barbers (Barbarians)
