Waiter autumn

to J.

Don’t be disguised by autumn’s looks and don’t try to make her grow on you. For all I know she has the eyes of emerald and her locks are always a flare. She is in keep of cupid’s amity and her name is Julie.

Later, later, please, later.
I have no need, nor desire.
For you, my detested waiter,
Of nullity, sole and dire.

I know, the autumn’s here.
In colours, in rains and gusts
Yet, am not closing near,
The end of my summer repast.

Thank you for being courteous,
For asking if all is well,
And for the leaf - hint feateous,
More, for concluding bell.

You linger for me to go,
I don’t want you to wait.
But, can I see you tomorrow,
Off duty, calm and abate?

Sounds fantastic! I'm impressed. Can I treat this poem as a birthday gift? If yes, thank you very much. I belong to autumn, to November, but now I know what I'll tell my next year leaf fall. It was wonderlul to hear your voice, by the way. Thank you for calling!! Through the hours and kilometers.

Юлия Фидельгольц   14.11.2004 20:07     Заявить о нарушении
Happy Birthday to you sweet Julie!

For any other individual, I would think and think whether or not to let her or him be embedded into my literary/real life, but there it goes, without any hesitation nor second thoughts, I am most joyously adding a description line to the poem - for others to know of a true and gentle maid of my epistolary bequeathal. And, despite the fact of my autumn’s masculine origin it is of your wondrous eyes of green and locks fiery.

To you!

Fern   15.11.2004 01:46   Заявить о нарушении
You are fantastic! Thank you...

Юлия Фидельгольц   15.11.2004 11:20   Заявить о нарушении
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