Love does not have a face...

Love does not have a face
No meaning in it too
But why we are still chasing
This poison... For me, for you...

Love does not have a soul
No reason in it too
But we still feel it
In our dreams... In me, in you...

Love does not feel the pain
It gives it all to us
It goes through our veins
And saturates our hearts...

love is a part of us...
poison that's sweet and hot...
weekness that makes mad...thus...
love is a crime of heart...
it's smallest damned week part....
though...we're dead inside...
witjout this torture...shit! our mind - is fight... our life - is light...


best regards,

Vj $)

Thunder   18.11.2004 17:02     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you for cooperation...

Gaijin   20.11.2004 13:15   Заявить о нарушении
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