I chose to be free song

Everybody's got something to lose
Every heart holds on to something
Every mind wants chances to use
Every person needs someone for loving

But not me

Babies need parents
Servants seek masters
Lovers want partners
Salesmen grab customers
Money and glory
Entertainment and bread
Love, lust and luck
Until they are dead

But not me

I chose to be free
I let go all I've got
My palm is empty
And so is my heart
The wasteland of soul
Is blown by the wind
I simply let go
I chose to be free

Nobody cares for leaves that are fallen
Nobody gives his heart to the Sun
Nobody gets why life is so swollen
Nobody feels how their life is just gone

But not me

You never get me
I never get you
Is it the same world
Or am I just mad?
Unheard and unspoken
I laugh at your laughing
The black and white picture
Against rainbow sky

Is there any "me"?

I chose to be free
I let go all I've got
My palm is empty
And so is my heart
The wasteland of soul
Is blown by the wind
I simply let go
I chose to be free

17 october 2004

You do not want to win this match
Will not play games to meet success
But life can always bring new punch
And will remove your will for breath

Hope that the game to be free will be a success
Nice song, Thank you :}

А Н Е Л   27.10.2004 12:04     Заявить о нарушении
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