The workshop of corporate finance

The workshop of corporate finance…
Am I supposed to follow?
The shoptalk of dividends, taxes…
I’m closing my eyes, let it flow…
My mind is far but not here.
I hear the crashing of waves.
I’m on the sea…
Deep blue is the sky…

Who cares
about the ‘ownership structure’..?!
- That’s what woke me up -
As if it was worth to departure
from day dreams
to hear that crap!
As if we could own something!
As if it would mean anything!
How stupid to dare and to think…
But now:
Go back to the sea! :)


We have the work that likely must be done,
cars from Japan instead of fords and chryslers.
But each of us has own wind and sun,
and own world which is unique and priceless!

Thank you,


Илья Цейтлин   03.11.2004 21:23     Заявить о нарушении

That's it! Hurrah! You nailed it down:
ours are the jewels in the crown!!! :)

warm regards,

Елена Штро   04.11.2004 00:21   Заявить о нарушении
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