Story about us

The world was so empty without you.
The world was so pointless without you.
The world was so usual in its own way.
The world is now better, now when you are here!

It is so nice, when we are together.
Everything looses its point in life.
Everything looses its shape on the way.
Life gets so colorful and darkness vanishes.

Flowers begin to bloom.
Rain stops to fall.
People seem so happy.
Everything is so good...

Then comes the day...
The day when we have to part.
The day when rain begins to fall.
As well as my tears fall.

Then comes the hardest time - when we are apart.
The most pointless time in the world.
The saddest days in my heart.
The most precious memories with you.

There's nothing else to do, then wait.
Wait for the next time we meet.
The next time we see.
The next time - the most valuable time!
