Its your quality

It was the mad myth,
About our life.
Once you say me-"believe"
But I can't love.

We were a lot of time together,
And they said that you are the best,
But you came to me so late,
And you want the rest and this is the end.

Go away! You can be free now,
But you again doing to hurt me,
And I'll edeaver forget,but how?
I don't can love now, I see.

As any other language, English consists of some grammatical rules, exceptions and plus vocabulary.
“edeavour” (endeavor)
“belive” (believe)
“But I [don't can](can’t) love.”
“We [was] (were) a lot of time together”
“But you came to me so [later](late),”
“But you again [doing](going to) hurt me”

With good attentions to help,
Л.Ю. :)
It was some madness or some myth –
the story of my life. Some time ago
You said, “Believe… believe me, please”
I couldn’t... and can’t… I can not really love.

Юрий Лазирко   23.08.2007 00:50     Заявить о нарушении
Sank you very mutch, Юрий!)

Натилиус   23.08.2007 09:02   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.