Gone with the Sun

I. The night that has no end
   Will hide my lonesome story
   Along the promised land
   Of men who have no glory.
   Forgiven, but denyed,
   Unbacked, but pretty clever,
   With health, but almost died,
   I want to love forever.

Chorus: To those, been undone,
        My feelings will run,
        When they have great fun,
        I'm gone with the sun...

II. I've understate my pain,
    And have become unworldly
    I cut my bleeding vein -
    It helped me to be godly.
    The everlasting night
    Will tell my tragic story
    Of man, who sold the light
    And now is gone to glory.

Chorus: I don't need a gun -
        The end has begun.
        And now I have none
        Being gone with the sun.
