
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

Jewologist, Jewography

Pot-roastok – подросток

Mensa/womensa/immensa – an immensa womensa

Cornivore – corn eater

Нежный – снежный – neigenyi (fr. Neige)

Kapli Place (Copley)

Gavkaesque (fr. “гавкать”) – Kafka

Ferdinand de Chaussures (Saussures)

Prostate/anti-State activities

Prostitute – a woman with a prostate

Chechoff sheet (fr. Чехов)

Tургенев – tour de genie

Chacun a son gout – each one has his/her own gout
Dried (tried) and true and found wanting

Jumpin’ (lumpen) proletariat

Jolie jopa

BU (Bayeux) tapestry

The Wouk stroke


Jimmy Buffet – Margaritaville (Hyacinth, Keeping up Appearances)


Mutual fun(d)
