
Все рызьмы составлены в соавторстве с Биллом М.

Стихи.ру не признаёт диакритических знаков (accent aigu, grave и т.д.)

Primadonna – Pre-Madonna

Bootleggers – loot beggars

Geisha – a gay woman

Archconservative – believes in preserving arches

Odorlescent – stinky adolescent

House breaker – someone who breaks in pets (broker)
Someone who breaks “pets” (cuts farts)

Flossofy – the philosophy of flossing

Ignoramus from Paramus

Parsonianism – parkinsonian symptom first described by Talcott Parsons

Sir Gawain – Hawaiian

The Venerable Bedny (vulnerable Bede)

Голубой – голый boy

A gay goy

Антиресный (from “res”) – духовный

Elle est grosse avec des gosses (gas)

Pincio –a place where Romans go to get pinched

Eating ham on Friday is a gesture of freethinking/threefinking

Morphological – sleep-inducing (Morpheus)

Парно(копытный) (a pair of) – muggy

Plumbers grow plums

Canaille – Canaletto:  painted Venetian low life
