Посвящается Scrutineer-у и всем влюблённым и ждущим

So let your arm her waist surround,
The faithful love you both hold tight,
The truthful light which is around
Leads you so safely through the night...

This very moment, so sincere
Her heart beats gently in your hands,
Her eyes give magic, mystic glare
That lightens the Fantastic Lands...

And in this blazing myst, you hear
The word that looks so hard to guess,
The word you both so longed to hear,
In rays of Moon, she whispers "Yes..."

Yes...))) Once it would be the most beautiful word that we could hear from the person who we love...)
Thank you) It's really very nice poem!
With a smile, I wish you a Happy New Year!)))

Scrutineer   30.12.2004 01:54     Заявить о нарушении
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