Dark dreams

Dark dreams bestow ill dread,
bring boiling fears back,
weave their ghostly thread,
into embracing black.

My mind could not last,
I’ve joined dear folks,
I couldn’t stand the past,
please, stop the racing clocks.

I do not fear death,
I will forever rest,
the earth will have my breath.
My dreams, that’s your bequest.

я правда нихира непонял но судя из названия это крутой стих!

Алексей Леонов   02.02.2005 23:28     Заявить о нарушении
And in my case not sure how I can help...
Try free translation site http://ets6.freetranslation.com/, if the issue is with English, otherwise "Dark dreams" is just that.

А Н Е Л   03.02.2005 00:28   Заявить о нарушении

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